Rational Emotive Cognitive Behavioural Therapy was developed
by Dr Albert Ellis in the 1950’s and is one of the most established of
the cognitive behavioural therapies. RECBT is an active-directive
and goal-oriented psychotherapy. It is philosophically aligned with the
Greek Stoicists & specifically Epictetus who wrote that "Men are disturbed
not by events themselves, but by the views which they take of them".
RECBT proposes that it is largely our thinking in the face of life's adversities
that creates our emotional and behavioural responses. In other words,
think healthily and you will be more likely to feel and behave in healthy
ways. Think unhealthily and you will be more likely to feel and behave in
unhealthy ways. With an emphasis on the present, RECBT teaches
us to identify unhealthy thinking and develop healthy alternatives
in order to achieve our emotional and behavioural goals.

Rational Emotive Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
was developed by Dr Albert Ellis in the 1950’s
and is one of the most established of the cognitive
behavioural therapies. RECBT is an active-directive
and goal-oriented psychotherapy. It is
philosophically aligned with the Greek Stoicists
& specifically Epictetus who wrote that "Men are
disturbed not by events themselves, but by the views
which they take of them". RECBT proposes that
it is largely our thinking in the face of life's adversities
that creates our emotional and behavioural responses.
In other words, think healthily and you will be more
likely to feel and behave in healthy ways. Think
unhealthily and you will be more likely to feel and
behave in unhealthy ways. With an emphasis on the
present, RECBT teaches us to identify unhealthy
thinking and develop healthy alternatives in order
to achieve our emotional and behavioural goals.